Tag: cli

  • How to change urxvt terminal emulator colors

    How to change urxvt terminal emulator colors

    urxvt is a fast, lightweight terminal emulator that supports unicode. It is also very customizable. In this walkthrough, you’ll learn how to customize the color scheme of urxvt. Installation To install in Ubuntu use: sudo apt install rxvt-unicode Setup Configuration for urxvt is done in the ~/.Xresources file. If you don’t have one, you can…

  • Personal wiki using Vimwiki

    Personal wiki using Vimwiki

    I’ve dabbled in many different productivity systems over the years in an effort to organize my personal/work tasks/notes/writing. These include using methods and services such as: Disparate plain text files Simplenote Wunderlist Catch Microsoft To-Do Evernote Trello Wekan Each of the above listed services addresses one, but not all of the items that I need…

  • Alpine Mail setup with Gmail

    Alpine Mail setup with Gmail

    Why would you use a command line mail client when the GMail web client is accessible from anywhere and has a myriad of useful features?

  • Check the weather from the command line

    Check the weather from the command line

    This video tutorial will show you how to retrieve the weather via the command line using curl and the website https://wttr.in/ https://wttr.in/ https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in To retrieve the weather type the following at your command line: curl wttr.in To add as an alias: sudo vim .bashrc alias wtr=’curl wttr.in’ source .bashrc